Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lake Powell

Every year my mother's extended family has a family reunion in Lake Powell. We haven't always been able to go since we keep having kids just before the trips, so we were very excited to go this year. My cousin Jeremy and his wife Sharla hosted the gathering on their cruise ship, I mean houseboat. Seriously, this thing is almost twice the size of my house. We are incredibly grateful to them for giving up their master bedroom to our family so we could fit 2 portable cribs in the same room with us. They are so generous! Above is a lovely picture of Peps I when Jer's helicopter was about to land on the top. He was getting just too many of those pesky tickets for landing his helicopter on the shore so now he lands on top of his own property.

Here's a picture of Animal House, Jeremy and Sharla's second houseboat. I guess it was decided that Peps was getting a bit crowded with the 40 of us so this one arrived on the second day of our stay. It's very stylish and appropriately named. It has cheetah patterned carpet and all sorts of animal patterns on the curtains and decor.

Sydney loves hanging out with her 2nd cousins since there are several girls close to her age.

My mom took charge of doing their hair every morning with these cute little hair clips and scrunchies she got them. Here they are all done up before going out to swim.
Sydney spent almost every spare minute outside and went through a lot of sunscreen. She has some pretty good tan lines now!

Natalie loved swimming in the lake which is funny because, as I mentioned in the last post, she has been afraid of swimming.

Tanner was a little unsure about swimming in the lake at first. Usually, he is my brave one when it comes to swimming. After a little while they were both loving it though.

The twins especially like being put in their floaties and passed around a circle.

My aunt Linda bought all the young kids fishing poles to play with. They spent many hours pretending to fish with them. Don't worry, they didn't have real hooks, just little plastic pieces. Here is a picture of Sydney being the fish.

The party just kept getting better and better when Jeremy offered a friendly little game of black jack with and $100 bill sitting on the table for the winner. Gambling with somebody elses money does tend to make it more fun! I snapped a picture before taking the kids out to swim again.

I was really glad we brought these booster seats for the twins. Here's a picture of them eating bananas which they do every morning. It's pretty entertaining because they don't take them out of their mouths. They just push them farther and farther in while chewing and swallowing until they're gone.


Anonymous said...

Good times! So glad you could come this year!

Barb Johnson said...

Great post, Lisa! Wow, that was such a great time. Glad you and the kids could join us this time. P.S... always plan pregnancies around Lake Powell!! (right, Rachel & Kate??)