Monday, August 18, 2008

Girls will be girls

Well I think I brought it on myself. I decided yesterday I was way overdue for a haircut. I just haven't gotten around to making an appointment. I have given myself haircuts many a time. So, I figured I'd just do a little trim because it was driving me crazy. Sydney saw me doing this and of course wanted a haircut too. We didn't have time to do one before getting ready for church though so I promised I would do it later. And I clearly stated "only grown-ups cut hair." I guess she considered herself a grown-up this morning and decided to cut her own hair because and she said, "it was bugging her." So I've done the best I could with it but I'm still debating on whether to take her to a professional or just wait it out and trim it again. There's still a pretty good chunk missing on her left side. I nearly cried when I had to cut 4 1/2 inches off. But I suppose I should be grateful because kids have been known to do much worse!

Natalie became my little sickling this afternoon. We were so looking forward to a family night playing tennis with the Weavers. But we had to cancel. I was also glad she let me know about her ailments when she did because I was gearing up to head to the grocery store with all the kids. That could have been awful. It's so hard watching such a small person be sick. These bibs are great though. The help keep the mess to a minimum.


Anonymous said...

Well, it finally happened! I thought you were going to get through Sydney without that! Sorry, but I laughed and laughed!

wende said...

oh man, sorry about the self hair cut, allie waited until she was in kindergarten so i thought we were way past that stage - guess not! her hair was down to the middle of her back and she was trying to cut herself layers that framed her face! yikes, it was pretty bad and i was sad but we lived through it and she must've learned a hard lesson because she never did it again! :)

Rachel Poulsen said...

Ha Ha! That is hilarious! But you know what it certainly could have been WAY worse. You could do something really cute with that!

linda said...

Jensyn and Ashley have both cut their own hair (Jensyn actually cut off her entire "piglet"...
It must be a "girl thing", my boys never did cut their hair. Good thing hair grows back! Sydney still looks darling!

Jenny Moore said...

Poor little Natalie!!
I think Sydney likes having an "edgier" look.