Monday, August 25, 2008

Befores and Afters

I've been so excited to post the before and after pictures of our kitchen because it is finally done! I just finished the backsplash a few days ago. I'm realizing now that I gave the old "before" pictures of the kitchen way too many benefits (clealiness, good lighting, ect.) and I probably should have had totally trashed it in order to show a really dramatic improvement. So despite how the pictures look, just know that the old kitchen had warped cabinets, warped and spliting countertops, and cracked tile. And now it's pretty.
Before kitchen:

After Kitchen:

I was also pleased with all the things I learned during this kitchen remodel. I learned how to install a pergo laminate wood flooring, tile a backsplash, and stain and finish a banister.
Before banister:

After banister:

The old banister was a serious safety hazard. We were just waiting for the day someone leaned against it and fell to their death down the stairs. And I mostly have it to thank for the whole kitchen remodel. We had to replace the banisters, which would mean replacing the floor, and hey might as well put in new cabinets while we're at it, and of course a countertop. Thank you banister!
I painted a couple bathroom vanities this last year too, after being totally inspired by a vanity my mom painted black. I forgot to take a before picture before the countertop was resurfaced. It was pink and so would have added greatly to the before picture. Anyways, I was especially happy with this little project because it was such an inexpensive improvement. The painting and resurfacing probably cost less than $125.
Before vanity:

After vanity:

Last but not least--our little backyard. I found this picture of the old backyard on I can't believe I didn't take before pictures of the whole thing because it's really been a big project. But this is the garden corner which has been especially exciting to me because it's the first time I've actually grown anything that I could eat! And I know I'm a tree killer but this apple tree was enormous and making such a huge mess. I don't think anyone had ever pruned it. And look, we added a peach tree which is the superior fruit in my opinion.
Before backyard:

After backyard:


dterryphotography said...

Wow, that really makes a big difference. Nice work!

Weavers said...

LISA! That's A LOT of work and it all looks awesome! I am very very impressed. I especially love the kitchen. The cabinets are so pretty and the backyard looks great too. As does everything else. Good job!

The apple tree was pretty nasty, but I can't agree that peaches are the superior fruit. It's nice when you get a nice sweet juicy one, but it seems so hard to come by. Where apples are usually always good. At least a bad apple is not nearly as bad as a bad peach. But if you're going to have a whole tree full, I'd have to say peaches would be more practical because they're much more versitile. So I guess it was a good decision. Good job.

Roseann said...

Love the kitchen! I can't wait till I can justify changing my cabinets. I love them, but I would love a different kind of wood. I am especially jealous becuase your cabinets look just like what I imagine for mine. Love it!

Barb Johnson said...

Whoa! Lisa! you did a job on your house! Very very nice updates... ya did good!