Monday, June 16, 2008

Party party

Well I realize I have been a bad blogger lately. If you've noticed then thank you for reading my blog in the first place. Anywho, we've been having quite a lot of fun these days. It's just one party after another lately. First, my little brother Nate has finally reached the ripe old age of 19 and it's time to say "See ya in 2 years!" Nate will be heading off to Arcadia, California next month to teach those people a thing or two about why we are here, what we are doing, and where we are going. He's going to be a great missionary! Nate's taking his own little stash of Books of Mormon with him to Arcadia. These books have 531 pages of great content and include the little bonus of David Archuleta's testimony and autograph in each one. I thought that was a clever idea of his and nice of David to do for him. I also got my own autographed photo of David. Woohoo!

By the way, does anyone else find it hard to believe that Nate and I share the same genes?

Saturday, we had Rachel's baby shower. It was so fun and I don't know why I can't seem to remember to take my camera anywhere anymore. I think maybe I'm just trying not to forget the bottles, the binkies, the snackfoods, kids, ect. But for this party I only brought Sydney along. Thank you Kim for blogging so I could steal your pictures! Hee hee. The twins were missed but couldn't come because the minivan is out of commission due to a recent fender bender that I'd rather not talk about. The shower was quite fun and Rachel made out like a bandit. That little boy is going to sleep extra well due to the adorable baby bedding my mom and Rachel have been making for him.

And look at this adorable diaper cake Tracy made! Everyone agrees that she really should quit her day job and make diaper cakes for a living.
Sunday, was of course, Father's Day. We would have liked to let Josh sleep in that morning but had a sacrament meeting to attend in Bountiful at 9 am. My cousin Darren just got home from his mission in Chicago.
It's amazing to me out we can be on time to a church meeting at 9 am a half hour drive away, but scramble to make in on time to our own sacrament meeting, just around the block, at 1 pm almost every other Sunday. We had a really fun time hanging out at the new Muir house afterwards though. Their new house is incredible.

Sydney had a blast with all the girls there.
Tanner is looking so cute but just a little too grown up in this picture.
Well, you may think this is enough partying to last us the summer. But stay tuned because in a couple days we'll be rolling out the red carpet for Sydney's upcoming princess party.