Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Birthday Princess

She's officially 4 now! When Sydney woke up on her birthday yesterday we asked her how old she was. She insisted she was still 3 and not 4 yet. My theory is she expected she would feel different and be all grown up if she were 4. Since she felt exactly the same as yesterday she must still be 3. But by the time we had her party and she blew out candles and stuff she resigned to the fact that she really was 4 years old. Guess she just didn't have that magical transformation she was hoping for.

The highlight of her gifts that day was definitely her new bike. She had very much outgrown her tricycle.

At noon we had all her princess friends over for a party. This is the first friends birthday party that we have done for her. She was very insistent that this was a princess-only-no-boys-allowed party. Which made it somewhat awkward for the little boy next door who she plays with almost every day. We are going to have a special McDonald's mini-party for the two of them soon. Anyways, the party turned out really fun. We let them color princess pictures.
For lunch we had PB&J sandwiches cut into heart shapes, grapes, chips, and strawberry lemonade in these cute little pink goblets.
Then we did a craft where we beaded bracelets for the girls. This craft turned out to be a little tricky because I cut the strings a little too short and they were hard to tie and they'd come untied and beads would go everywhere!
Then we played "Pin the Heart on the Princess Tiara" which half of them cheated at. Sydney was like 2 feet off and then she tilted her head back and all a sudden she gets her heart right on target.
Next, we opened presents which I think was the favorite part for all of them. It was so cute to see all these girly princesses all gathered around.

Then we sang "Happy Birthday" and had the cake and ice cream. I don't know why my kids get so somber when they have birthday cake. If you look back to Tanner and Natalie birthday post you'll see this same stone-faced looked. Maybe she's just focusing really hard on her wish before she blows out the candles.
Later that evening we went to the parkway to practice riding the new bike. One of the pedals kept falling off so we need to think of something to do about that. But it was a fun evening.

Sydney was really excited when she saw this mile marker with a number 4 on it.


Barb Johnson said...

How quickly she has grown! Cute post, Lisa

Jennifer said...

What a little doll! Happy Birthday Sidney - we love you!

Jennifer said...

oops - my bad! We love you Sydney! The pic by the mile marker is my favorite...beautiful sunshine lighting up her gorgeous hair. A princess indeed!

Roseann said...

These kids just grow up too fast! I think it is so funny to see how much girls can be girly and boys so boyish (of course, girls still like trucks, and boys still like dolls... but you know what I mean). Its crazy how early they naturally pick up this stuff. Happy birthday to Sidney!