Saturday, June 28, 2008

Friday at the Farm

Last Friday we thought it would be fun to go to the zoo after Josh was done working for the day. Then my mom called with a better offer -- barbeque at the farm! My old home ward was having an activity at Wheeler Farm where we are frequent visitors. Our kids love it there and Mom and Dad love showing off the grandkids. My uncle Calvin has these cool paper rockets shooters which gave the kids plenty of exercise. After we ate Sydney begged me to make a paper rocket with hers.

It turned out pretty good and would go really far. She would shoot it and run way across the field to get it and run all the way back and immediately shoot it again. And she did this non-stop for about 40 minutes. She slept very well that night.
Tanner provided great entertainment for us with four ducks that were wandering around. We brought some old hamburger buns and fed them. He was so excited and had such a huge smile on his face the whole time. And he kept saying "Duck, duck, duck!" So I guess he knows that word now. He was also not scared at all to get right in there with them and chase them around. I was a little surprised by his bravery but I guess they're not much different than our cats to him. It was very cute.
And here's a cute picture of Natalie and I.


Weavers said...

How fun! I wish my parents weren't such scrooges about ward activities then maybe I would've know about it too.

We are almost settled out at our place so I'm thinking it's time for Settlers maybe? I hear Emilie and Jeff are into games a lot these days. We need to set up a date night sometime soon!

Jake & Barbara said...

I love your blog. I also love the wheeler farm. We had our family reunion there a few years ago. It's a great place, I can't believe how big the twins are. When did that happen? :) Well, thanks for sending your blog links. If you get time, please feel free to visit our blog.

-Barbara Orton (