Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Getting around

Natalie is a non-conformist who refuses to crawl the "normal" way. She's going to be a trend-setter when she grows up. You'd think she and Tanner would copy each other a little more but they seem to want to do things their own way. Tummy time is now impossible for Natalie because she can sit herself back up and this is how she gets around. Instead of callused knees she has callused ankles. It's going to be a little tricky teaching her how to go downstairs though I think.


Amber Jo said...


Roseann said...

That is so funny! Kids are just so much fun (as long as they don't drive you insane!)!!

Jake & Barbara said...

I love it. She sure has her own agenda. How cute. The crab floaty is from Target but Walmart has them too.

Barb Johnson said...

That's hysterical! I actually saw her do this at Nate's farewell.. funny girl! Can't wait to see you guys at "Heaven on Earth" (aka Lake Powell)

wende said...

so funny, i knew another little one who did this and the seat of all her pants was worn and dirty. whatever gets them around i guess!

Okie said...

hilarious...love it.