Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lots of reading

Our Harry Potter book finally arrived last night. I'm afraid I've been a slightly neglectful mother today, although I did hold my twins a lot while I read. I held them a lot because they sleep very well while they are held which allowed for more quiet reading time. Tonight I might be paying for all the sleep they got during the day.
Sydney watched a lot of "My Little Pony" which we borrowed from the library. I used to love My Little Pony when I was little. In fact, I remember I learned how to tell when it would be on tv by watching for when the sun hit a certain spot on the kitchen floor. Well it's lost a bit of its appeal to me but Sydney really likes it now.
Well, as far as the late arrival of our Harry Potter book goes, it was apparently not guaranteed to arrive on the 21st. Only Amazon does that. Good to know.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Where's my Harry Potter??

Well we've been looking forward to the guaranteed delivery of our Harry Potter book all week. What an extreme dissapointment by Barnes and Noble yesterday when it never came! Josh only checked the UPS tracking website about a hundred times that day to see that it was still in transit to the final destination. We neglected to change the delivery address to our new house so we let the new owners of our old house know it would be coming and we would come get it. I'm sure they were tired of us calling them by the end of the day. We watched the news last night and saw all the happy people who received their books. It was practically the only thing on the news along with all the wild fires in the state. While out at my parents home today I managed to steel my brothers book for a little while and got in the first couple chapters. And now today we are wondering what the guaranteed delivery was all about. Do we get the book free now? I'll report on that when we find out.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Chocolate or Ice Cream?

Today I took Sydney to my hairdresser for her first "real" haircut. I've given her many trims before to keep her hair healthy and even but it kept getting in her eyes so I decided to let a professional take over. I really talked it up the day before so she wouldn't be worried about a stranger coming at her with scissors. It was a pretty fun experience. My daughter has quite a healthy ego. She can be pretty entertained just by admiring herself in the mirror. She absolutely loves shoe shopping and buying dresses. The idea that a haircut would make her prettier was all she needed to cooperate. She sat perfectly still the whole time staring into the mirror, totally all business. She only glanced at me a couple times just to flash me her beauty pageant smile.
Later in the day I decided she was overdue for a nap. I got her into her room and I was very excited that she might actually take a nap while the twins slept. I thought I might get a nap too! I always read her a story before she goes to bed. Her two favorite stories right now are "Curious George and the Chocolate Factory" and "Curious George and the Ice Cream Shop". As Sydney laid down in her bed I asked her "Do you want chocolate or ice cream?" She sat right up and said "I want ice cream!" I suppose I should have asked her "What book do you want me to read?" instead. She didn't talk me into giving her any ice cream and I didn't talk her into taking a nap after that.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The big step

Well I am taking my big step into the world of the bloggers. I'm the world's worst journal writer and that's mostly because I don't like writing things out with a pen and paper. So I think typing in a blog will work out much better for me. I am about to celebrate surviving my first 2 months of being a mom of three. This is an extra big accomplishment since two of the three are newborn twins. As much as I was scared to death to have twins, I now can't imagine life without them. Things are pretty crazy around our house most of the time but I wouldn't trade it in for anything. Our 3-year-old daughter, Sydney, is the best thing that ever happened to us. She's such a good helper and always tries to make her parents happy. She has her occasional tantrum but she's dealt with a lot of changes in her life very smoothly. I'd love to think that her goodness is a result of our parenting because that would make it likely that our other children will turn out the same way. But, I think she's just a good-natured kid and we had very little to do with it. I have recently been reading a book called "It's Twins!" which has several articles from parents with their own stories and advice. The first sections was on newborns which was so sweet and talked a lot about breastfeeding and sleeping schedules. I felt so proud of myself for mastering breastfeeding two babies at once. The next section was on raising twin toddlers. Suddenly, this very sweet book turned into a very scary book. I'll try to stay optomistic that my twins will make it through those terrible twos without feeding off each other too much. In the meantime, I'll enjoy how sweet and cuddly they are now.