Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I think I should stick to the wii...

Memorial was super fun for us because Josh took the day off work and we played. Sadly, it was rainy so the original plan to have a picnic at the park didn't work out. So my sis-in-law Jenny created plan B: bowling! I haven't been bowling in at least 6 years. I can't really remember when the last time was. However, I am a pro bowler on the wii with a sparkly ball and everything. Apparently all my hard work and practice has not paid off in the real thing though. I think the problem is that in real bowling the balls are heavy! Good grief! I mean I haul around two babies all the time with no problem but sheesh I can't throw a stinkin' bowling ball to save my life. I think I bowled a 72 on the first game and even Sydney pulled ahead with an 81 (in all fairness she did have the bumper pads). I thought for sure I would warm up and do better on the second game but it ended up somewhere in the 50's I believe. Josh tripled my score with a 149. He's amazing! Anyways, still a very fun afternoon. This was Sydney's first time bowling and she was so cute picking up her bowling ball and waddling up to the lane like an overdue pregnant lady. It was fun to see all the Moore family and Josh's parent's were so great and offered to watch the twins for us. Tanner would have been all over the place I'm sure. I stole a picture from Jenny's blog since I forgot my camera.


Roseann said...

Love the new look on your blog; and your new family picture is wonderful! Here's to wii bowling!!!