Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy birthday to me

Well my birthday was actually a couple weeks ago but I've been reaping the benefits in just the past few days. Josh got me a gift certificate to Breathe Day Spa. I've never had a professional massage before or been to a spa so I can't really compare, but this place definitely had ambiance. You get the waffle knit robe, slippers, sitting in the tea room drinking herbal tea (yuck), and music with ocean waves. It was awesome. My sister, Kim, also had a gift certificate from Christmas so last Thursday we went together and got the bindhi herbal body treatment which left our skin feeling baby soft. We ended up getting Mom a gift certificate for mother's day and since she will likely want some company I just might have to go back again.
On Friday, Josh's parents came out in the afternoon with lots of little birthday presents which we planted in the backyard. So assuming I am not cursed with whatever would be the opposite of a green thumb, we will be enjoying pumpkins, carrots, onions, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, and potatoes. I think that's everything. We'll see if anything else pops up out there! This is my very first garden and I am definitely not good at growing things. Basically everything I try to grow dies except for my one indoor plant which apparently only needs watering once a month. So I'll do my best and your prayers would be appreciated. Sydney loved helping Grandpa plant things. And the beautiful chain link fence will be going away sometime in the near future.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful garden! You put me to shame. I like the new look on your blog.