Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tulip Festival

The tulip festival was slightly disappointing this year. This is our third year in a row attending. We usually go on my birthday but I saw it was supposed to be cold that day so we decided to go on Tuesday, the day after. It turned out Monday was beautiful and Tuesday was quite cold. And it's been such a cold spring so far that the tulips are not blooming yet. Most of them were still green. So we couldn't stay too long because of the chilly wheather and the cute matching outfits I had on the kids aren't showing because of their jackets, but I did get exactly 200 pictures and lots of cute ones. A bridal photographer was kind enough to offer to take a family picture for us which turned out pretty good. I felt so sorry for all the brides getting their pictures done there that day. They had to pay quite a bit to get in there with a photographer just to find out that there aren't hardly any flowers. Anyways, I did get some decent shots of all three children, and I told Josh that if I at least got that then I would consider the trip a success.


Roseann said...

I'm guessing you're talking about Thanksgiving Point. I have been wanting to go see the flowers too. I guess maybe I'll wait another week or so. Your pictures turned out really cute!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry the weather didn't cooperate for your annual trek. Tanner is hysterical - he has this "I'm just sitting here freezing" kind of look on his face!! Cute photos of some reeeaaaallly cute kids!

wende said...

i'm sorry the weather was lame, i'm SO sick of this back and forth crap! you did get some cuties of the kids though, great job!