Wednesday, April 30, 2008

One mobile, one to go...

Well Tanner has taken to crawling during the last month and recently discovered that he could pull himself up to things as well. He often stands at the stairs and tries to shake the bars like we've caged him in. He is so incredibly curious about everything. Sydney, I recall, left most potentially harmful or messy things alone like the outlets, cords, and my chest of piano music. Tanner has brought us to a whole new level of baby proofing and I think it's just the tip of the iceberg. The big upside to this is that he keeps himself entertained all on his own almost all day. And if he gets bored his just follows Sydney around because he adores her.

Natalie on the other hand, has zero interest in crawling or rolling. She doesn't care that Tanner crawls circles around her. Tanner will crawl up to her and steal her toy or binky and she screams at him or defends claim by swatting at him, but still has no motivation to chase after him. I haven't been terribly good about forcing her to lay on her tummy because she tends to scream at me. I know she is strong enough and I know she could figure it out, but she doesn't want to do it. Anyways, I know all kids figure things out at different times. And I should probably just enjoy the fact that I only have to worry about one child finding some stray outlet plug to suck on. I just think she would have a lot of fun going off exploring.


Weavers said...

They are sooo adorable!! Sounds like being mischevious is in the name. I can't keep my Tanner still for more than a second. But I am actually suprised that your Tanner is mobile before Natalie. I've always thought boys were slower, or maybe it was just my boys.