Thursday, January 24, 2008


One of the few places I will shop with all three kids is Sam's Club. This is because my list is usually pretty short so it's a quick trip. Occasionally, we can find the double seated shopping carts. Tanner is just getting to the point where he can sit up in those but we have to get one with a working seat belt or else he tips over. On his first ride in the cart seat he held onto the front bar the whole time like he was on a roller coaster. It was really cute. Since Natalie is by far the smallest she always gets to ride in the baby bjorn. If it weren't for the ache I get in my shoulders after a while of carrying her, I would forget she was there. She loves shopping and hardly makes a peep the whole time. Sydney loves shopping too but now its mostly because she wants me to buy her anything that has a princess, scooby doo, or dora on it. She was also very insistant today that she could fit into a pair of 9-month purple striped pajamas.


wende said...

oh that sydney girl! i remember those days, now it's begging to buy her anything with an expensive price tag. why is that? our tastes must evolve with age...

Weavers said...

funny, Jared keeps trying to convince me he can fit into those purple stirped pajamas too.

Roseann said...

Isn't shopping with 3 so much fun!? I try to go when Dylan is in preschool so I have one less kid. Its amazing how much easier that makes it.