Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I'm not much of a morning person. Getting myself showered and putting my make-up on in the morning makes me happy and I tend to be a little more productive during the day. It only takes me about 20 minutes most days if I hurry. But it can be tricky with 3 little kids to supervise so I have to improvise to keep them entertained. Sydney's not too hard and usually just takes a "swim" in the bathtub. Tanner and Natalie play with toys on the floor while I shower, but today they were tired of that early so I relocated them when I got out. I think they thought it was pretty fun. I was standing behind them the whole time and keeping a close watch on Natalie who showed no interest in the faucet handles. And she couldn't even reach the hot water handle so it was a pretty cozy arrangement for her. And it bought me a few extra minutes!


Okie said...

lol...very cute.