Friday, September 5, 2008

4-year-old preschool

I think one reason why fall is my favorite season is because of back to school. It was always so fun getting new clothes, backpacks, school supplies and getting ready to see all your friends again. Of course after the first week it's not so fun because you have start making your brain work. But Sydney doesn't have that problem yet because she's been so excited for pre-school to start again all summer that she's been regularly practicing ABC's, numbers, and starting to sound out some words. I clearly remember sounding out my first word in kindergarten so I think kids are smarter these days. Sydney was so anxious to go to school I think she asked half a dozen times if she could go the night before and I've never seen her get ready so fast on her first day. I ended up taking her picture a half hour before we had to leave just so we had something to do.


dterryphotography said...

Ohmygosh she's getting big! Man ... how long have you been gone? It doesn't seem *that* long ago......

wende said...

i agree, i love the feel of back to school, the supplies, oh the supplies - my favorite part still and i'm not even a student any more! but then, they start school and i remember how much i miss them being gone all day and how much homework we have to deal with when they get home! ya, enjoy preschool while you still can! :)

Roseann said...

Does she totally look like a little Lisa in that picture or what!