Sunday, March 16, 2008

Princess Sydney

Sydney is so into princesses lately so I took her to the Disney on Ice Princess Wishes show that was in town last week. It was so fun to spend some one-on-one time with her. Unfortunately, I couldn't find my little camera to take to the show and most likely they wouldn't have allowed my SLR in so the only pictures I got were on my phone. They didn't turn out great. One of my favorite parts of the evening was actually the drive there and back. We took the corolla with no dvd player so Sydney actually talked to me instead of zoning out with a movie. Our conversation went something like this:
Me: Are you excited to see the princesses?
Sydney: Yeah. Baby dragon and baby piggy are coming too. (She has imaginary friends.)
Me: They are? That's great.
Sydney: Yeah, but baby monkey is not coming. He's sick. He's been sick for three days.
Me: Oh that's so sad.
Sydney: He's staying home with his daddy and he's been throwing up in a bowl.
She's got quite an imagination. The show was a lot of fun too and we ate way too much kettle corn. Next time we go though I'll be sure to order tickets earlier. Our seats we way up there.


Weavers said...

Hey! I just had to laugh because Jackson's sitting here with me and when I pulled your blog up he said, "Oh Mom, I think that's my girlfiend. Yeah, that's my girlfiend."

So to answer your question we should be headed back at the end of May and I think the practice is in West Jordan so we will be somwhere around there! yay!