Saturday, February 9, 2008

My mom phrase

"Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do." I feel like I've been saying this a lot lately. It's becoming my "mom phrase." You know, the phrase you say all the time and then later on your kids will say it and go "aahh! I sound just like my mother!" I don't recall my mom ever saying this to me, so I must have come up with it all on my own. It might have something to do with a certain 3-year-old who's favorite phrase is "but I don't waaaaaaant to." I find myself sounding just like my mom from time to time, but I don't mind so much because if I ended up being just like my mom it would be a pretty good thing. And Sydney talks all the time about how she wants to be a mom when she grows up, so maybe when finds herself using my mom phrase she'll say, "yay! I sound just like my mother!"


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sweet compliment, Lis!!

Weavers said...

I think you are already a great mom. Your kids are adorable! But I have to say it's still wierd to think we are moms isn't it?!?!?!?

And I have to agree with you. You do have a great mom! I've always looked up to your parents.