Wednesday, March 26, 2008


One of my favorite things about Easter is the outfits. It was so fun to get Sydney and Natalie matching dresses and Tanner was hansome as usual. Once again I did not get any great pictures of all three of them. Someday, someday. I attempted to get all three of them outside after church to take their picture. But Sydney threw a tantrum over something I don't recall. That girl can get the tears flowing over anything. And then Tanner tipped over while he was sitting on floor and smacked his face right into Natalie's which made both of them cry and gave Tanner a nose bleed. So anyways, one day I will get the perfect picture of all three children and I will put it in the frame in our living room that says "This is our Joy" across the bottom of it. Then people will stop asking "what is your joy?" when they see the empty frame. Well we did get several very cute pictures of them in their cute clothes to put in their scrapbooks.
We missed the Moore family egg hunt on Saturday which we were very sad about. We spent the whole day putting in our new kitchen flooring. My parents offered to help us take care of it that day and it is SO nice to have a floor again. On Sunday, we went to my parent's home and had an egg hunt which mostly consisted of adults watching Sydney walk around a pick up eggs. We need a few more kids on that side to make it a little more interesting I think.
Tanner and Natalie thought the baskets were lots of fun to play with though. They were entertained with those for quite a while.

The Easter bunny is not a really big part of our Easter. In fact, Sydney totally forgot about putting her easter basket out the night before but I did it and the bunny filled it. My mom asked her that day who we celebrate on Easter and she said Jesus. It's nice to know she understands that.
This was the first year Sydney painted eggs too. I have bought egg dying kits every year and we just never get around to using them so this year I made sure she got to do that while the babies took naps one afternoon. She really enjoyed that and we only had a couple of egg casualties.


Debra said...

Love your vacation pictures...I'm so jealous. I just got back from my vacation. I went to Iowa and Illinois to see the fam...a fun trip but nothing so luxurious as yours! I've bookmarked your site and will check in from time to time. Can't believe how your kids have grown! Sometime you need to come to HFPE here so we can all see you!!!Debra